Retro Ultem, NEW Plates and Pre-Order Updates
Let's get the "Housekeeping" out the way first...
And, by housekeeping, I mean: we are going to be a little late on another project (and this is my way of giving you a heads-up).
Two things:
#1 - We are late on the Magic Beans™ pre-order (which I wrote about in the last blog post). The good news is... they are all shipping out in the next 3 days. They will start tomorrow and the rest will be done by the end of the week.
#2 - The first batch of the SkellyVerkk™ pre-orders are going to start shipping a little behind schedule - my sincere apologies about this! Rather than starting to ship this week ...they will start shipping next week.
While it's objectively not good that we are late again ...we are trending in the right direction. I strive to give you a heads-up in advance (like this blog post talking about it). In the next couple of months we should be well clear of being late on projects's just taking a long time to turn this "slider-making supertanker" business around.
I REALLY appreciate your patience. I am always acutely aware that being even slightly late is not good. I feel my communication with you is improving and our lateness is becoming less and less with each project.
NEW, NEW Sliding Plates
Over the next few days and weeks I'm going to be releasing some NEW sliding plates on certain sliders (yes, yet another sliding plate upgrade).
If you recall the recent Sweep™ slider (I'm about to close the page - but you can still access it RIGHT NOW if you're quick: ...these plates are almost the same as on the Sweep™ - but the "T48" sized version.
Side Note:
I have had a LOT of emails, messages and comments from people telling me the plates on the Sweep™ slider are the best sliding plates they have ever tried. And, rather arrogantly perhaps, I'm not disagreeing with them. Actually, a lot of the feedback has been that the Sweep™ Slider itself is the best slider they have even tried (I sort of knew this would be the reaction ...and it's why I called it: "The Best Slider Of 2024").
I have had a LOT of emails, messages and comments from people telling me the plates on the Sweep™ slider are the best sliding plates they have ever tried. And, rather arrogantly perhaps, I'm not disagreeing with them. Actually, a lot of the feedback has been that the Sweep™ Slider itself is the best slider they have even tried (I sort of knew this would be the reaction ...and it's why I called it: "The Best Slider Of 2024").
The next slider to be released with these NEW sliding plates is the Ultem Retro. Let's talk about this slider -- as well as the new plates...
Ultem Retro™ (Available Now...)
The much-anticipated Ultem Retro™ is now available RIGHT NOW via the Lucky Drop selling method on the front page of the site:
Not only is this the latest Ultem version of one of our popular sliders, there are two new "upgrades"...
Firstly, as mentioned above, it boasts my latest-and-greatest sliding plates. Here's what they look like on the Ultem Retro™:
These new plates have all the same features as the popular Sweep™ slider. The same features apply to both plates - and so here's what you need to know:
-- Near silent sliding (unlike a lot of plates on the market that have a grainy feel or have a "swishy" sound ...these are ultra-quiet to slide)
-- "Debris catchers" (the circular pockets where the magnets are located help to pull any debris away from the surface of the plates ...which vastly reduces the chance of scratching of the plates)
-- Self-smoothing stainless (should your plates receive any scratching in use, then you'll find they are "self healing" as you continue to use them - somewhere between 3 to 7 minutes of use will take your plates back to a near-new feel)
I will be making these in Ultem soon (I have tested these and know they work). I am currently working on both Zirconium and Brass too.
Here's another NEW Upgrade to the Retro Ultem slider...
Rather than having a large metal insert plate inside (this is what the screw in the sliding plate screws into as Ultem is too brittle to thread) ...there is a very small, square, titanium insert. Here's a closer-look at it:
This smaller insert is a visual improvement in that there is a lot less metal seen ...but also the slider is a bit lighter too!
If you want to be one of the first to try these new improvements on this Ultem Retro™, then head to to the front page here RIGHT NOW:
New Machine
Yeah, I know, you're probably not too interested in CNC machines - and that's okay. However, I'm going to share with you a little about a new machine we are taking delivery of (hopefully) on Friday.
This machine cannot make sliders it's not going to increase our production capacity at all.
So what can it do?
It can make SCREWS!
We ordered it at the end of last year. It was built to order in Japan (nothing but the best machines for making the best sliders of course!) and is finally here in New Zealand.
What does this mean for you?
A few things:
#1 - We can design and make our own screws from scratch. Likely a little bigger to reduce thread-stripping for a start.
#2 - Tighter tolerances on the screws (again, reducing the chance of thread stripping).
#3 - Various materials (I've always wanted to offer Zirconium Screws ...we can probably do that!)
And a whole bunch more I'll get into another time.
Here's a stock image of the machine (until I get some photos/video when it arrives):

Life and Quotes
Here is my quote(s) of the day for you:
"The short successes that can be gained in a brief time and without difficulty, are not worth much."
- Henry Ford
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."
- Albert Einstein
Have you considered the same plate – “Debris catchers” (the circular pockets where the magnets are located help to pull any debris away from the surface of the plates …which vastly reduces the chance of scratching of the plates)’, for your SkellyVerkk? Or is it impossible (since you thrive on the “impossibility”) and perhaps version 3.0? Keep up the innovation:)
Thanks for the blog posts. Love the option of more silent plates – noise is a big factor in which slider I can go for :) I’m not familiar with CNC machines but it’s really interesting to learn about! Please don’t stop writing about them!
Hi, what’s the weight of the new Ultem Retro with the new new SS Plates?