They Laughed When I Said I Invented
A Fidget With Over 5327 Different Moves
...Until I Showed Them THIS!

Let's immediately deal with "the elephant in the room"...
You're wondering if there really is over five-thousand different moves that can be done with the fidget I'm about to show you, right?
The simple truth is:
No ...there are actually more. I'm dead serious here.
I don't have an exact number as I struggle to do the maths (not only did I have to start using Excel spreadsheets ...I ended up writing my own software to try and find out how many combinations there are). It's still a work-in-progress though.
Regardless, it comes down to this:
This seemingly simple fidget has so many move combinations ...you're unlikely to even discover them all (how about that for some damn good value!).
Okay, enough chit-chat, let's talk about this never-before-seen Trio™ fidget:
(here's a video of it in action)

Teflon® or Zirconium Sliding Plates
Choose between Telfon or Zirconium sliding plates in both the body and buttons of your Trio™.
Using the Trio™"Builder" at the bottom of this page you can chose the combination of plates you want your Trio™ to arrive with.
Screw-In Plates
The plates on the main body and buttons of the Trio™ are held in with custom-made, 2-56 Thread Grade 5 Titanium machine screws.
We also use some thread-locker on there to ensure they stay in place and don't loosen.
However, should you want to remove the plates - you can do so with a standard T8 'Torx" driver.
32 Different Button/Body/Plate Combinations
When you're ready to order you have a ton of different combinations to choose from.
With the options of Titanium or Zirconium Body ...Titanium or Zirconium Buttons ...Two different button designs ...and Zirconium or Teflon Plates ...there are 32 different combinations available to you.
Here are a few example builds you can choose from:

'Hidden' Magnets (No Visible Magnets)
As with every fidget I've ever made ...there are no visible magnets on the Trio™.
There are four 10mm x 3mm Neodymium Disc magnets behind the plate in the main body as well as a 12.5mm x 6mm x 3mm Neodymium Ring magnets behind each button plate.
Dimensions and Weight
Trio™ Fidget RIGHT NOW
...Which Was Always My Recommended Combination)
Zirconium Plate

with Teflon Plates

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