*** NEW "Toad HEX™" 3-Click Slider LAUNCH ***
"Give Me Just 4 Minutes And I'll Prove To You
This Slider ...Together With My ALL-NEW Sliding
Plates ...Not Only Pushes The Boundaries Of
Fidgeting ...But Does This With Less Cleaning And
Maintenance Than Previous Sliders!"
Dear Friend,
If you want access to my latest never-before-seen slider design AND the very latest version of my sliding plates ...then you're on the right page!
Here's the deal:
Before I even get to talking about the NEW Toad HEX™ I'd like to talk about the NEW sliding plates that will come installed in it.
It has taken me around 6 weeks of solid R&D to get these new plates to where I'm happy with them. This has involved designing, making, testing, ...re-designing, re-making, re-testing ...for what feels like forever!
But, FINALLY, I am now very happy with them.
I'll go into more detail on these plates shortly, but first let's look at the Toad HEX™ slider first:
Zirconium Version

Matte Version

Stonewashed Version

Polished Version

The stand-out feature of the Toad HEX™ is the machined hexagon pattern allowing you to see the internals of the slider.
Truthfully, it was not too difficult to make the slider with these areas CNC-machined all the way through. The real challenge was getting the typically-hidden areas to look good. It was important to me that the internals of both the slider body and the plates both look as good as the outside.
Truthfully, it was not too difficult to make the slider with these areas CNC-machined all the way through. The real challenge was getting the typically-hidden areas to look good. It was important to me that the internals of both the slider body and the plates both look as good as the outside.
I will spare you the details. But, suffice to say, it involved starting from scratch ...not just the design and making of the body and plates ...but how we surface finish them and process them through production. It was a nightmare - but totally worth it!

Toad HEX™ Titanium: 85g (3.0oz.)
Toad HEX™ Zirconium: 100g (3.5oz.)
NEW Sliding Plates
I MUST spend a minute talking about the new sliding plates.
While they look vaguely similar to the plates I've been making for some time ...they are really BRAND NEW and designed completely from scratch.
I spent something like 6 weeks working on them every day. I've made dozens and dozens of versions over this time through endless iterations.
While they look vaguely similar to the plates I've been making for some time ...they are really BRAND NEW and designed completely from scratch.
I spent something like 6 weeks working on them every day. I've made dozens and dozens of versions over this time through endless iterations.
Now, don't get me wrong, the current plates are not bad - they are still excellent. These are just better.

Here's the significant changes I want to highlight:
#1 - I use the same 6mm x 3mm N45 magnets ...but the plates are slightly thicker so that the slider is a little easier to push (while some people love "hard to push" sliders ...my experience with customer shows the vast majority prefer an easier slide)
#2 - The surface of the plates have a very slight curve, intentional machining lines (at a 15-degree angle) and spaced-out dimples. All of these work together to create -- from my intensive testing so far -- the best sliding experience to date. Additionally, the surface finishing process we use is now a lot more critical than before to give the plates just the right feel.
#3 - I have taken time to carefully design and machine the INSIDE of the plates. These are typically hidden - but it is something I realized it very important. Yes, it takes longer to machine -- and no one typically will see it -- but it's my intention to make the BEST sliding plates out there ...and making the inside look as good as the outside is part of this.
While I am more confident than I have ever been with these NEW plates. Slider plates still get hard use. It's metal on metal. There are magnets inside that naturally attract debris ...and so scratching is inevitable. Perhaps no plate will ever be truly "perfect" ...but I feel these are a significant leap forward.
While I am more confident than I have ever been with these NEW plates. Slider plates still get hard use. It's metal on metal. There are magnets inside that naturally attract debris ...and so scratching is inevitable. Perhaps no plate will ever be truly "perfect" ...but I feel these are a significant leap forward.
Both the Toad HEX™ body and the sliding plates take longer to machine than almost all previous sliders (the plates now take DOUBLE the time they used to take to CNC-machine!). Yep, that's right, most makers are trying to cut the production time down. Not me ...I say "to hell with production time!" and focus ONLY on making the sliding plates the best they can be with absolutely no compromises.
You're getting an EXCLUSIVE "Introductory Discount" of 28% because there is a long(ish) lead time on this pre-order. I have some raw material on hand - but I will need to order more.
I've set the shipping date as the 19th of June (around 6 weeks from the launch date of 8th May). Yes, I know it's a little far out - but I'd like to deliver on time as historically I've been late on pre-orders.
Zirconium Toad HEX™ Slider

Zirconium Toad HEX™ Slider
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Titanium"Matte" Toad HEX™ Slider

Toad HEX™ Slider
Toad HEX™ Slider
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Titanium"Stonewashed" Toad HEX™ Slider

Toad HEX™ Slider
Toad HEX™ Slider
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