Shipping Update, New Material and More
Shipping Update (on "Crazy 10" sale)
A quick update on shipping...
Check the front page of the website. I have put some dates there (which are somewhat far out ...but I don't want to blow through them).
Check the front page of the website. I have put some dates there (which are somewhat far out ...but I don't want to blow through them).
Heads-up: Emails are taking us many days to reply because we are behind on them - we are working through them, but it's going to take time.
NEW In-House Material...
The image below if of a resin body slider.
It's a Limited Edition slider, well, for two reasons:
It's a Limited Edition slider, well, for two reasons:
#1 - It's made from a resin material (have not offered resin before)
#2 - It's the first time I've made a slider from material I made myself (rather than buying it in). I cast and colored this resin myself. It took a long time to harden ...but ultimately CNC machined incredibly well. In has an amazing Matte/Frosted finish to it and great grip.

If you want to learn more about this slider -- together with a video (and the ability to buy this slider specifically) -- then you'll want to check out "Mag Lab"...
What Is "Mag Lab"?
I talk about "Mag Lab" (short for Magnus' Laboratory) on the official page here:
The quick-and-simple description is:
"MagLab is where I show new fidget experiments, tests, prototypes, materials, etc. (and offer some of these for sale)"
There is a bit more reasoning behind MagLab than just this - and I talk about it on the MagLab page.
The resin slider I talked about above is on the MagLab page right now ...but you'll also find this:

I explain all about this NEW experiment on the MagLab page. :-)
1,500 Dollars spent in the last 3 months here. Still no order or reply. That may be a small sum to some but not me. Kinda feel like a second class consumer at this point because I am geographically dispured from the company. I hope there are some extra goodies in my order with the amount of time I’ve been waiting. I just want my new sliders. I’ve been patient, I hope it gets here before Christmas
No mention of Bolty’s on your shipping list. Any update on those?