Pre-Orders, Lucky Drops and Various NEW Things

A few things for you today, but first...

After a couple of pre-orders in a row of finally not being late in delivering ...we currently have two projects official now a little late. I am sorry about this.

The projects are the Sweep™ and the Magic Beans™. Shipping should have started last week - but it is only starting this week. We were on track but -- it being winter here in New Zealand right now -- each of our employees have been off work sick at some point over the last few weeks (including myself all last week).

If you can hang in there for the next 1.5 weeks, then we will have everything shipped by then. We will be shipping both the Sweep™ and Magic Beans™ starting tomorrow. Oh, and also any recent Toad HEX™ sliders bought via the "Lucky Drop" selling method.

Actually speaking of the Toad HEX + Lucky Drop...

The "Lucky Drop" Selling Method (Again)

I know I talked about this in the last blog post, but... I'm going to talk about it again as it's been working REALLY well for people.

If you recall, the "Lucky Drop" is a never-been-done-before method of offering you fidgets.

As a reminder of how it works...

The price starts at regular retail, then drops a random percentage every so often (typically around every 15 minutes or so) ...and the price will keep dropping until someone buys it.

Just to be clear:

There is no lower limit on how low the price can go ...and I have never removed a product prematurely. I leave every single product on until it sells (which, sometimes, goes quite low).

You can check out the front page right now to see what is on offer:

Other Up-Coming Things To Look Out For...

Ultem Sliding Plates

I finally managed to get hold of some 4mm Ultem sheet ...and this means I can finally make some sliding plates out of Ultem.

I might have alluded to this a few weeks ago - but it's finally going to happen now I have the material. I'm not sure how I will offer it ...perhaps a pre-order ...but possibly just on the "Lucky Drops".

Various Ultem Sliders

I'm going to offer a few different sliders in Ultem very soon. The Turtle and Retro sliders for a start. I will likely offer the Stealth as well.

NEW Sliding Plates

All sliders currently come with my NEW sliding plates (you can read more about them half-way down the front page of the website here:

However... very soon I'm going to be offering another iteration of the Stainless Steel sliding plates. Yes, I know, you're likely just getting familiar with the latest version. But you may have noticed I'm always looking to improve things. I'm not quite ready to release them yet ...but they're coming!

Life and Quotes

Here is my quote(s) of the day for you:

"Remember that man lives only in the present, in this fleeting instant;
all the rest of his life is either past and gone, or not yet revealed.
Short, therefore, is man's life, and narrow is the corner of the earth wherein he dwells.""
- Marcus Aurelius

"You have power over your mind – not outside events.
Realize this, and you will find strength."
- Marcus Aurelius

9 Comment

  • 注文番号 22374 購入しました
    10日以上たっていますが 発送連絡が未だに来ません

  • Please offer as a pre-order! Lucky drop for new items could be a frustrating way to have to get it I feel like.

  • Super excited for more Ultem!! Thank you Magnus!

  • Definitely want a Polished Skeletonize Toad Hex Zirconium, with Zirc Plates, N52 magnets, & extra set of original magnets, please- Magnus – willing to wait- just let me know U will make me One ???!!!!
    Thanks so very much!!!
    Stanley Simpson, III

    Stanley Simpson, III
  • I guess we won’t get a lucky drop for Ti Verkk Coral? I totally missed out on the preorder.


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