Late Orders

Here's a video about late (again) orders...

That's It!

Truthfully, that's all I have today for you.

I know the lateness only affects a small number of people -- relative to the number of people who typically receive my emails -- but it's a significant issue.

Life and Quotes

Here is my quote(s) of the day for you:

"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late"
- William Shakespeare

"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing."
- Henry Ford

13 Comment

  • Keep your head up Magnus! People buy from you because the products are quality and often times available to everyone who wants one and was around for a pre-order. This is rare and different from chasing SUS and Drops within the fidget community. I think you can give yourself a break and not set the heavy expectation of 7 day shipping…especially for products that haven’t been produced yet. This would alleviate the expectation and thereby the unmet expectation that sours customers.

    If you had just even a “stoplight” on the main page that let folks know orders are behind or pre-order project status is delayed at least communicate with the community rather than letting it get to the point where folks dog pile and wear you down.

    People will keep coming back for your excellent products and excellent customer service. Once you dial in being transparent about lead times I think you’ll be that much farther ahead in the game. Loving the Toad Hex so far and looking forward to the Skelly!

    Billy N
  • I understand that it takes manufacturing time to keep up with the demand (orders), I always give the benefit of doubt that shit happens and some sliders need more manufacturing time than required, so 2-3 weeks late is fine with me.

    However, the matter which is puzzling to me is that this issue happens with blemish stock (Zirc coral Verkk) which I ordered more than 2 weeks ago. Aren’t blemish stocks supposed to be ready to ship upon order (or 7 days later) since they are already made and assembled as well as quality control done to separate good stocks and blemish stocks? This just doesn’t make sense at all. Something else must be wrong with the team handling dispatching of readily available stocks.

  • Magnus, you R Amazing! The Quality surpasses the time delays !!! I am waiting for New Zirc Toad Hex skeleton with New Sweep SS plates! May God continue to bless & guide you to resolve your success opportunities. !!!

    Stanley Simpson, III
  • I’m not sure why you’ve put yourself in this position, it seems super unprofessional and negligent. When you put your customers in this situation you force us to either live with the disappointment of jabbing to wait because we still want your sliders or to live with the disappointment of putting our foot down because we are tired of constantly being told things that never materialize and getting a refund and not getting the product we want. Either way it’s really ridiculous. For me, I’ve never complained because there are more important things going on in this world than to complain about waiting an extra two weeks for something that I want and I do feel for you digging yourself this hole, I like you and I want you to succeed. And fortunately you have Tina who is really great at dealing with the unnecessary mess you put her in as well. Anyway, this seems to be something that is unnecessarily self inflicted. Just simply tell your customers that their product will be delivered within a month and if you get them to us in a week, two weeks or three weeks you’re a hero. And you wouldn’t have to make a ridiculous video telling your dedicated customers not to purchase your sliders. This is pretty disappointing the way you’ve let this get out of hand and the way you’ve decided to handle it, not very well thought out Magnus. Anyway, good luck with your struggles, this is your business, I hope you learn how to handle simple things like this much better for the future, I think we all want you to succeed.

    Kenny Schiller
  • I’m not sure why you’ve put yourself in this position, it seems super unprofessional and negligent. When you put your customers in this situation you force us to either live with the disappointment because we still want your sliders or to live with the disappointment of putting our foot down and getting a refund and not getting the product we want. Either way it’s really ridiculous. For me, I’ve never complained because there are more important things going on in this world than to complain about waiting an extra two weeks for something that I want and I do feel for you diggingyourself this hole. And fortunately you have Tina who is really great at dealing with the mess you put her in as well. Anyway, this seems to be something that is unnecessarily self inflicted. Just simply tell your customers that their product will be delivered within a month and if you get them to us in a week, two weeks or three weeks you’re a hero. And you wouldn’t have to make a video telling your dedicated customers not to purchase your sliders. This is pretty disappointing the way you’ve let this get out of hand and the way you’ve decided to handle it, not very well thought out Magnus. Good luck with your struggles, this is your business, I hope you learn how to handle simple things like this much better for the future.

    Kenny Schiller

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