Finally, designed for every-day use...

"Who Else Wants The Ultimate
Titanium Keychain Pocket-Clip?"

*NEW*... Possibly The World's Greatest Titanium Keyholder For Everyday Carry EDC... Your Friends Will Envy You... GUARANTEED!

Dear Friend,

If you want what is possibly the world’s greatest key pocket-clip, then you’re on the right page.

Before I continue – I have a shameless confession:

The titanium pocket-clip I’m about to reveal to you is not a brand new product. It’s true.

But wait, before you run off…

Please hear me out.

The truth is: This pocket-clip (or “dangler” as some people like to call it) is based on a truly tried-and-tested design.

For the last year or so I have been making and selling the first version of this pocket-clip.

Not only that, but…

I've sold hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them. And honestly, I've probably had more incredible feedback about this pocket-clip than anything else I've made.

And here’s where it gets interesting…

Since the first version of this pocket-clip was originally designed last year I've been improving it by testing, tweaking and testing some more.

In total I've made about a dozen improvements to the initial pocket-clip design (and I'll get into detail in just a minute).

It's been a long road. But after a lot of frustration, sleepless nights and tested-to-destruction testing... I present to you the new and improved: HangKey

This is a caption. There are many like it. But this one is mine. The caption continues onto the next line and seems to work well.

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