Finally! A PERFORMANCE Fidget Spinner...

"They Laughed When I Said I Made

A Fidget Spinner

But When I Showed Them This!"

Dear Friend,

If you've been searching for the ultimate fidget spinner, then you've probably just found it!

The spinner I'm about to show you is not only the result of hundreds of hours of designing, developing, testing and tweaking...

...it's also the spinner that millions (yes, millions!) of spinner-hungry fans have been itching to see.

Someone even commented on my website about this spinner:

"I’m pretty sure this has been one of the most anticipated, loved, hated, scrutinized and mysterious spinner release in history haha good on ya Magnus for delivering. Let’s see where this goes."

I have a confession:

I never set out to create the world's greatest fidget spinner (it just accidentally kind of happened).

You see, I'm known as "the titanium guy"... because I'm the designer and maker of well-known, ultra high-end titanium products (pens, tweezers, pocket-clips, and so on... ).

I had no intention of designing a spinner until someone commented on one of my YouTube videos, "Magnus, YOU should make a titanium fidget spinner".

Now here's the thing:

I didn't think too much about it – I just started "messing about" with making some spinners. Just for fun.

But two things happened:

#1 -- I quickly realized almost all the fidget spinner designs out there were wrong! (more on this later... )


#2 -- As I started to reveal my prototypes and designs on my YouTube channel... my videos exploded... and I found millions of people were watching the spinners I was developing.

Once I started showing the various titanium spinner prototypes on YouTube the views went into the MILLIONS (with loads of the videos going viral)

It got serious...

Even though I started out just "messing around" with making a spinner... what ended up happening was my obsessive-compulsive personality traits completely took over and I became obsessed!

Like some sort of "mad scientist"...

I spent every waking hour thinking and working on making the "ultimate" spinner. These are just some of the prototypes:

How quickly an interest became an obsession ...I created dozens upon dozens of prototypes while striving to make the ultimate spinner.

Here's the thing...

As I started playing with the spinners I was creating (and comparing them to the other "best" spinners out there... which I had bought for research-and-development purposes)... I realized most spinners are made to look good.

It seemed crazy and I didn't really want to believe it... but I just couldn't get away from it. Most spinners are designed to look good first... and have "fidgetability" come in a distant second.

I Gave Myself An Ultra-Strict Criteria...

I'm fairly confident my personal criteria for fidgetability is stricter than most (if not all) other spinner makers.

Here is just some of the super strict criteria this spinner had to meet:

Multiple finger "flicking" (this spinner had to be able to be flicked easily with index, middle or ring fingers)

Forwards and backwards flicking (as well as being able to flick with multiple fingers, this spinner had to be easily flicked both forwards and backwards)

"End" flicking (one criteria, that's a "must have" for me personally, is to be able to both flick and catch the spinner on the very ends of the spinner-arms!)

Ultra-ergonomic buttons (for me this is a complete "no brainer"... the buttons need to "hug" your finger so you can focus on flicking... and not trying to figure out how to grip the damn thing... too many spinners have buttons that only look good!)

"Table spin" (while this spinner is designed for fidgeting in-the-hand... I personally love flicking a spinner on my desk and having it spin on its own for a few minutes... I had to be able to do this with the spinner!)

Capable of fast spinning (if a spinner is too heavy then it's not going to spin fast... regardless of how skilled or strong your fingers are. The spinner had to bridge that fine balance between too light and too heavy... which is just one of the reasons for using titanium!)

​Quick, easy and simple button retention (I've been frustrated in the past with screw-together buttons coming undone... and using magnets is just not my thing. I've invented a button retaining mechanism which I don't believe has been done before!)

Easy bearing change (this is a performance spinner, so it's likely you'll want to test and try different bearings to further tweak this spinner for you... so I've used a simple bearing retention system that makes it quick and easy to switch bearings!)

No "hot spots" (I didn't invent this term... but it's a great way to describe any sharp edges or corners that make spinning uncomfortable. The spinner had to have absolutely no hot spots!)

Perfectly balanced (this sounds obvious... but I've bought many "big name" expensive spinners that were unbalanced. Even a tiny wobble is frustrating... and so this spinner had to be perfectly balanced!)

The spinner I'm about to reveal to you is (as far as I am aware)...

The Only Spinner That's Been Designed And Developed From Scratch... For 100% Pure "Fidgetability"

After hundreds of hours of testing and developing...

After hundreds of iterations...

After dozens of prototypes produced...

The 'Air' spinner was finally ready:

The simplicity of the Air spinner is deceiving. Behind the simple shape and clean lines ...is a boat-load of development.

Before I continue...

I understand if you're thinking, "Magnus, your spinner looks damn good... surely you focused on aesthetics and making it look good?"

Truthfully, hand-on-heart, this spinner is 100% designed for "fidgetability". The fact it also looks good is kind of a bonus really.

Here's the thing:

Everything (and I do mean everything) on this spinner has a function and reason for being there.

Every edge... every angle... every curve... every face... it's all for a reason. The length, width and thickness of the spinner is very specific.

I left nothing to chance when designing and developing this spinner... everything on it, even the smallest detail, has a purpose.

Every Single Edge, Corner, Face, Angle, and Curve Is There For A Reason

Now, there's probably a couple of things you're thinking right now...

The first is, "shouldn't you have the weight distributed to the outside edges?"

...and the second thing is, "aren't these buttons too low and close to the body of the spinner?"

Let's deal with the weight distribution first...

The only reason for distributing the weight to the outside edges of the spinner is to get a longer spin-time and reduce the weight of the spinner.

But here's the thing...

The Air spinner is not about spin-time. It's a performance spinner that's all about "fidgetability". This is a spinner designed for playing with... not sitting there and watching it spin on it's own for 3+ minutes.

Don't get me wrong – the Air spinner will get higher spin times like the best of them... but it's not really why I designed it.

And remember... it's entirely titnanium! So there is no need to try and cut down on the overall weight. It's already at a fairly optimal weight-to-size ratio for spinning (I don't know about you, but I have found aluminium too light and brass too heavy).

Now, the buttons...

Yes, these buttons are low-profile.

But they are also extremely functional too (because I've tested, and tested, and tested some more!).

I will be the first to admit these buttons don't "stick-up" like most other spinners... but they do function damn well. The low, close to the center-of-gravity design of these buttons is part of the design.

Okay, let's get into the "dirty details" of what makes this the world's greatest fidget spinner...

Multiple Ways to Spin

I've designed the Air spinner to be flicked with any finger and in any direction. Not only that but,

You can flick the Air spinner with different parts of your fingers too!

The orange areas below show the different contact areas you can flick with different fingers in different ways:

And it gets even better...

The ends of the Air spinner have a very specific point so you can "catch" the spinner while it's spinning... and flick it again... and again!

 And if that's not enough...

I've given the surface of the Air spinner a specific curvature so you can both catch and flick it on the surface area (highlighted in orange below).

Ultra-Ergonomic Buttons

The Air spinner buttons are designed to "cup" perfectly onto your thumb and finger.

Yes, the buttons are low-profile ...but they function extremely well (I've done many hours of testing with them).

I'll be flat-out honest... the low-profile buttons are part of what makes this a PERFORMANCE spinner. There is a bit of technique to it.

It Can "Table Spin"

I had loads of people asking me if the Air spinner can "table spin" (or, in other words, will it spin on a flat surface?).

Yes. Absolutely!

I believe table spinning is a must. Yes, the buttons are low-profile... but they are raised enough to table spin.

Does the Air spinner do "table spins"? ...you're damn right it does - this was one of the core criteria this spinner had to have for me personally.

No "Hot Spots"

"Hot spots" are edges or corners on a spinner that make the spinner uncomfortable to hold or spin.

The Air spinner has absolutely no hot spots. Every potential edge and corner has been beveled or "softened". You will not find a single hot spot on this spinner.


As you probably already know,

I've designed, developed and tested a boat-load of prototype spinners to get to this final design.

And, in doing so, I was able to zero-in on the near-to-perfect dimensions for maximum "fidgetability".

The length, width and thickness of the Air spinner is based purely on "fidgetability" (the aesthetics of how it looked had nothing to do with it).

The result is that the Air spinner dimension are:

Length: 54mm (2.1")

Width: 26mm (1.0")

Thickness:10mm (0.4")

The final dimensions of the Air spinner are based purely from the feedback during the development stages. The Air spinner essentially "evolved" to be this size.

The Bearing

You may not believe me, but...

I have spent close to $1000 on different bearings (I am deadly serious about this).

I've bought dozens of bearings ranging from cheap-and-cheerful steel bearings ...all the way up to "full-complement" ceramic bearings (which cost $80+ each!).

I've tested ...and tested ...and tested some more. Now, because bearings are a very personal thing (especially if you're into high-end, high-performance spinners) ...and so I know I'm never going to please everyone. And I'm fine with that.

So what I've done is use a bearing which has that magic combination of silent, smooth and long spinning.

I have not decided on a final bearing yet (but I have a few "contenders"). Right now I'm waiting for another shipment of bearings from the USA ...so, yeah, I'm still testing bearings for you.

The bearing I've managed to source does not have a brand-name or such ...but it is, in a single word, phenomenal. If ceramic was the best option for this spinner, then I would use a ceramic bearing. But through all my testing the specific bearing that stood-out above above the others is a steel bearing.

It is mind-bogglingly silent.

It is glass-like in its smoothness.

It has a spin-time (almost) as long as any of the full-compliment ceramic bearings I tested.

The bearing size is an R188 (which means it's a standard 1/2" diameter).

Bearing Retention

Another confession:

I'm about to show you the method for retaining the bearing. It works well and is a simple, easy-to-use method for bearing retention.

BUT, I will admit to you now, I'm working on another never-before-done method. I just don't know if it's even possible - so cannot guarantee this spinner will have this (but, hey, at least I'm honest with you here).

So, for now, the retention method this spinner will be getting will be a simple 'c-clip' ...but, with a difference.

If you're familiar with c-clips ...then you know they can be a pain to insert and remove. But, rest assured, if I do decide to proceed with this c-clip for bearing retention, then you will received an easy-to-use tool for inserting and removing the c-clip quickly and easily.

The bearing retention method is currently a modified c-clip ...but I'm working on another method which I hope -- fingers crossed -- will work out for the Air spinner production.

If the c-clip retention method is the one I decide to use for production ...then it will be a custom-made clip something like this.

How to Hold a Bearing (Properly!)

If you've ever heard the phrase, "The devil is in the detail" ...then I think you'll appreciate what I'm about to show you.

With most spinners the bearing is just plonked into the middle without any thought. But not with the Air spinner. This is where you really see the level of detail that's gone into this spinner...

Take a look at this computer draft:

You see that little curve the red arrows are pointing to? That's where I've "relieved" the bearing.

What this means is that the bearing is held on its corners ...rather than the entire outside surface area. This idea behind this is that it can reduce friction on the bearing (by reducing the outside pressure) and therefore increase spin-time.

This is a tiny detail that may not make a lot of difference to the spin-time - but, because it's something that can be done, I think it's worth doing.

You call call me obsessed if you like ...and I'm okay with that.

Ultra-Simple Button Retention

It's never been done before...

As far as I can tell no one has done button retention using o-rings before. Take a look at this:

This may or may not be the first time o-rings have been used for buttons retention on a spinner ...but, I can almost guarantee you, there are going to be a lot of "copy cats" from this point.

In the above image you can see the black o-ring ...that's what holds the button into the bearing.

Now, I understand if you're thinking, "But Magnus, doesn't it eventually fall out?"

Nope! I had the the same concerns and this is why I tested it right away when I came up with the concept (I genuinely wasn't sure it would work ...because it just seems too simple!).

But damn -- it works like gangbusters!

How to remove the buttons?

Well, that's just as simple... you simple use a bit of sticky-tape or Blu-Tack (or something semi-sticky like that) and the buttons come right out. Don't worry if it's not clear - I'll provide you with plenty of video instruction.


The Air spinner weighs in at a super-comfortable 36 grams (or around 1.25 oz).

Surface Finish

If you've known about me for a while - then you'll almost certainly know by now I'm somewhat famous for the surface finishing I do on titanium.

Because I make products that are typically used in the hand (pens, tweezers, and so on...) the surface finish is as important as the design itself. Some people like their metal "raw" and straight off the machine ...but that's just not my style.

The Air spinner next to a couple of other titanium products I make -- 'The One' Mechanical Pencil and 'The One' Pen

I'll be honest here...

I've used everything I know about titanium surface finishing to perfect the final surface finish on the Air spinner. I've got thousands (yes, thousands!) of hours of surface finishing experience to draw from ...and I need it all to guarantee you get the ultimate surface finish on the Air spinner.

I promise you this photo has not been "touched up" or "Photoshopped" ...this really is how good the surface finish on the Air spinner is.

You're probably thinking, "Hey Magnus, just make it smooth, no big deal".

Well, it's not quite as simple as that if I'm honest with you. The trick is to make it smooth ...without making it "slippery". You want to have a certain amount of "grippy-ness" to it ...but not too much or your fingers won't glide along the surface when flicking. It's a tricky balance.


Even though I designed the Air spinner for pure fidgeting (and never tried to make it a particular size) - it has ended up being possibly the most pocket-friendly spinner available.

The somewhat short length, as well as the slimness of it, makes the Air spinner a dream to carry around (personally, I carry it in that little square pocket on the side of my jeans).

I like to carry spinners in the small, square pocket on my jeans ...but very few spinners fit in there very well. So I'm kinda pleased with the size and shape the Air spinner turned out - it fits snuggly in there!

Perfectly balanced

You know, it's crazy...

I cannot tell you how many (supposedly) high-end spinners I've bought that had a wobble ...straight out of the box. It got to the point where I genuinely wondered if they were sending me "rejects". It was that bad.

Suffice to say... not a single spinner will be leaving my workshop without being 100% tested by hand to ensure it is perfectly balanced.

Truthfully, I don't anticipate it being an issue because of the equipment used to make this spinner.

I will be making this exclusive spinner right here where I live in New Zealand. The machining will be done in my machinist's workshop where we specifically use Japanese-made machines.

The Japanese make, undeniably, the highest precision machining equipment in the world. This is why we use Japanese machines.

This spinner will be made on the following Okuma CNC-lathe and Kitamura CNC-milling machine.

The exact Okuma Japanese-lathe that part of the Air spinner will be produced on.

This is the high-precision Japanese Kitamura cnc milling machine the Air spinner will be machined on.

And this is where things get a little crazy...

Not only do we use high-precision Japanese-made CNC-machines... we run them in a strictly temperature-controlled environment (maintained at 20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit).

This ensures our high tolerances are achieved, as well as guaranteeing repeat-ability. These are just a couple of things we do (that most others don't) to attain perfect balance and precision on this spinner.

Raving Fans

While I may be fairly new to designing and making spinners - I've been designing and making various high-end titanium products for many years now.

Here is just some of the feedback I receive all the time from Customers about my high-end products...

One more thing…

As with ALL my products – you’re going to be receiving my personal unconditional, lifetime guarantee.

If you find the Air Spinner is just not for you, then let me know and I’ll give you back your money. No questions asked.

In fact, I can do even better for you...

Fidget with the Air spinner for as long as you like. Try it for a day, a week and month, or even a year. And, if your experience of this spinner doesn't have you screaming with delight... you can return it to me at any time. And I'll refund you the entire amount you paid.

To impossibly high standards,


P.S. Finally, when you click the ‘Order Now’ button you’re also going to be getting my 100% Risk-Free Unconditional LIFETIME Guarantee! If you’re not absolutely blown-away with your Air spinner when you rip open the package just let me know ...and I’ll personally refund you every single penny you paid. No questions asked.



Will you be engraving a serial number the spinner?

It's unlikely. I don't have a laser-engraver (yet) ...and so I'll probably just keep things simple for now and not engrave any serials numbers or such on it (because I'd have to outsource and I don't want to do that right now).


Can the Air spinner "table spin" (i.e. spin on a flat surface)?

Yes - for sure! This was one of my strict criteria. Even though the Air spinner has low-profile buttons ...you can still spin it on flat surfaces.


What size bearing does the Air Spinner use?

I use the most popular R188 size bearing. This gives you a huge range of bearings to choose from if you want to further "tweak" your spinning experience.


The buttons look "flush" ...will this cause my thumb/finger rub against the body of the spinner?

This is a very valid concern. I will be totally honest with you (as I always am!)... this spinner is a performance spinner and so does not have chunky or bulky buttons like other spinners.

While it may be a little less forgiving in how place your fingers when you first receive your Air spinner ...I can guarantee, once you get a "feel" for this spinner, there will be no rubbing on your finger or thumb anywhere on the spinner.


Shouldn't the weight be distributed to the outside of the spinner?

The short answer is: No

The long answer is:

It depends what you're trying to achieve. If you're trying to design a spinner with a long spin-time AND reduce the weight as much as you can - then, yes, you want to distribute weight to the outside.

With the Air spinner I'm not trying to achieve the longest possible spin-time ...and I'm not trying to reduce weight either.

The core criteria for this spinner is "fidgetability" (i.e. being able to spin it with different fingers in different ways, being able to stop it mid-spin, feeling ultra-comfortable in the hand, and so on...) ...not spin-time.

Because the Air spinner is made from titanium it's already at a fairly optimal weight for the design criteria I had. There was no need for me to "shave of" material to make it lighter.


What weight is the Air spinner?

The final production weight -- including the bearing and buttons -- will be around 36 grams (or roughly 1.25 oz.)


How big is the Air spinner?

The length is around 54mm (or just under 2.1") and the width is around 26mm (1.0"). It is around 10mm (0.4") thick.


What is the "spin time" (i.e. how long will it spin for)?

Based on similar prototypes I've made the spin-time is almost certainly going to be at least 3 minutes.

But here's the thing... the Air spinner is not about spin-time. While spin-time does help prove how easily a spinner can spin. The Air spinner is more about starting and stopping when you're flicking it around ...and not just letting it spin for minutes at a time.


Why do you offer a lifetime money-back guarantee?

Simple: I am very, VERY confident of the quality of what I make. I can’t see any reason why I wouldn’t offer such a guarantee to you.

It’s difficult for you to see the quality of the Air spinner BEFORE you physically receive it. So what I CAN do for you is to remove ALL “risk” in buying it. Know that you can return your Air spinner if you're not blown-away by the quality and performance of it.
